Roasters: There’s Still Time to Enter the AIC Awards!

The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) is once again hosting the Australian International Coffee Awards (AICA), which selected outstanding specialty coffee roasters from around the world in the categories of espresso, milk-based, filter, and siphon coffee. The annual competition, which awards more than 100 prizes to the hundreds of international roasters who enter, has a respectable reputation for sussing out top candidates.

The deadline to enter for consideration in the 2014 AICA is just around the corner: February 28. To enter, and for more information, go HERE.

Belaroma was the big winner in the 2013 Australian International Coffee Awards. Now's the time to enter the 2014 event!
Belaroma Coffee Roasting was the big winner in the 2013 Australian International Coffee Awards. Now’s the time to enter the 2014 event!

œThe Australian International Coffee Awards proved a huge success in its debut year, with hundreds of roasters entering their coffee beans from Australia and around the world,” said Mark O’Sullivan, CEO of RASV. œThe RASV is proud to give Australian and international coffee roasters a unique opportunity to showcase their products, benchmark against competitors and gain feedback from industry experts. 

Judging will take place in March at Melbourne Showgrounds, with the AICA winners to be announced in May 2014 as part of the Melbourne International Coffee Expo (MICE), Australia’s biggest coffee event and partner of the AICA.

Follow the progress on Twitter at @AusCoffeeAwards.






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