Rosetta Roulette: How They Do Throwdowns in Nevada

Hub Coffee Roasters in Reno, Nevada, Reinterprets Latte Art Throwdowns with a Nod to the State’s Most Well-Known Pastime

If you’re in driving distance from Reno, Nevada, tomorrow, you best get yourself to Hub Coffee Roasters for what’s sure to be a great big area coffee party: Rosetta Roulette! As Joey Trujillo, owner of Hub Coffee Roasters and organizer of this event, says, it’s “A proper Nevadan interpretation of the latte art throw down.”

The top three finishers at Rosetta Roulette on Friday night in Reno will walk away with cash prizes!
The top three finishers at Rosetta Roulette on Friday night in Reno will walk away with cash prizes!

Anyone and everyone is welcome at this community coffee event, which begins at 7 p.m. And if you want to pour in the tournament, be sure to arrive early to sign up ”only 30 competitors will be able to compete, and the contest starts at 7:30 p.m. sharp. The cost to compete is $7 if you register by today, or $10 at the door.

The event takes place at Hub Coffee Roasters’ newest location at 727 Riverside Dr., alongside the Truckee River in downtown Reno.

Event sponsors UTR Brewing Company, La Marzocco, and Hub Coffee Roasters, as well as Barista Magazine will make sure there are great prizes for the top finishers to take home, so plan on this! Get yourself to that roulette wheel tomorrow night, and let that sucker spin!

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.