The Ultimate Coffee Road Trip Across the United States.
This week: Wisconsin to Michigan
Editor’s note: We began publishing reports from Don Niemyer about the cafes he visited on his cross-country coffee tour back in the summer of 2013, and we’ve loved following his journey, learning about amazing coffeehouses out there in the United States, ever since. We’ll be publishing reports from Don about his recent journey around the Central and Northern states every Saturday this fall. To catch up on Don’s earlier posts about his explorations of coffee culture throughout the Western United States, click HERE. To read the first installment from this new Saturday Series, click HERE. To check out the second story, go HERE. Read his third installment HERE. We hope you continue to enjoy Don’s reports as much as we do!
By Don Niemyer
I bet I know why you got into coffee. Obviously, you love the stuff. But that wasn’t the biggest reason. You’re passionate about the craft, to be sure. But that wasn’t the main motivation. I bet you got into coffee because of the people. Nobody I’ve ever met says they hate people but just keep doing it because they love coffee so much. And truly, that’s why just about all of us do just about anything, isn’t it? The amazing experiences life brings to each of us are given their fullest measure of value when shared with the ones we love. And I’m thinking about this today simply because I’m thinking of my people. My wife, Carissa, and my two preposterous children, Trinity and Alex. They’re a hoot. And they make this adventure we’re on together worth having.

Oh! Adventure! I almost forgot! I’m supposed to be telling you about one! Well, this week on the Rialta Coffee Tour, my people and I went to some great cafés together. And I loved sharing that adventure with them so much that I can hardly wait to share it with you. So let’s get at it, shall we? Let’s see what we turned up traveling through Wisconsin and Michigan on the Rialta Coffee Tour!

Now those are some great cafés, full of some excellent people, people! Say, speaking of people, why don’t you ring up someone you love right now? Tell ˜em how great they are, then ask ˜em if they want to go grab a coffee. Because great coffee and great people just kind of go together.
Meanwhile, we’ll be putting together our report on the good people we found in Chicago, and we’ll have that for you right here next Saturday, so be sure to check back! Until then, follow us at our social media sites, or at DonNiemyer.com. See you soon!
Don Niemyer used to own three coffee shops in Portland, Ore., where he and his wife Carissa spent 8 years immersed in the excellent coffee culture there, milking it like a dairy cow for every drop of expertise it would give them, making lots of friends, doing some USBC judging, and learning all they could. One day, they decided to move their kids closer to family, so they bought a tiny RV, moved into it, and have been œmoving to Colorado ever since, visiting coffee shops, practicing minimalism, and having lots of fun. That was over two years ago. One of these days, they might even end up living in Colorado.