Camp Pull-A-Shot

Let’s Go Camping!

If you haven’t been to the Barista Guild of America‘s Camp Pull-A-Shot (or if you have and you just want to get back there) then you’ve got to enter this contest from our friends at […]

Latte Art

Breaking! Latte Art Competition at SCAA!

A dedicated team of coffee professionals, including Skip Finley of  Dalla Corte  North America, have been working around the clock for the past few months to develop the first step in the United States having […]

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Barista Gear

I’m In Linea-Love with You

When Whitney Cornell of La Marzocco first told me about the Linea Love concept that the company was launching to promote the next generation Linea, which will debut at the SCAA show in Boston on […]

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The Colin Harmon Interview Uncut

As we put the finishing touches on the February/March 2013 issue of Barista Magazine, I find I’m not ready to say goodbye to December/January 2013 issue cover-boy Colin Harmon just yet. We received quite a […]

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Why Marcus?

One of the most exciting aspects of Ken’s and my jobs as owners/editors/writers/lightbulb-changers/garbage-taker-outers/and-everything-in-between at Barista Magazine is discussing candidates for the cover of future issues. It’s also one of the most time consuming, as well […]