10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Jennifer Hyesung Chun

Jennifer Hyesung Chun Manager Coffee Code Buena Park, California What other coffee jobs have you had?   Besides working at Coffee Code, I also work as a trainer and counselor for mostly Asian cafe franchises […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Lindsay Lee

Lindsay Lee ¨ Customer Support and Wholesale Trainer ¨ Counter Culture Coffee ¨ Asheville, North Carolina (header photo by Sarajane Case) What other coffee jobs have you had?   These are vast and varied. When […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With James Tooill

James Tooill Roaster, Profile Developer, QC, Barista Trainer Argo Sons Coffee Louisville, Kentucky What other coffee jobs have you had? I started as a barista at the Dripolator Coffeehouse in Black Mountain. North Carolina. I […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Bj Davis

BJ DAVIS CO-OWNER BEE COFFEE ROASTERS, INC. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA What other coffee jobs have you had? Coffee Zone, Indianapolis; Trainer, General Manager Cafe@Ray, Indianapolis; Barista/Baker Stanton Coffee, Indianapolis; Sales/Barista/Consultant What’s your favorite part about working […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Nathan Hoida

Nathan Hoida Coffee Quality Manager Colectivo Coffee Milwaukee, Wisconsin What other coffee jobs have you had? I began working with coffee in 2003 at Blue Moon Coffee Co., a small Alterra Coffee (the former name […]