Barista Magazine's Blog Week In Review

BMag Back Atcha “ Weekly Blog in Review (June 2 “9)

What a busy week it’s been here at Barista Magazine’s HQ in Portland, Oregon; We’re in the thick of the work building the August/September issue, which ”in case you didn’t know ”will be our World […]

AeroPress Championship

We Heart AeroPress

What’s up with Belgium, huh? What’s in the water over there? Something’s happening in that country that’s producing a slew ”ok, well, two, at least ”of folks who can AeroPress like no one else. For […]

Barista Jams and Events

Countdown to Coffee Fest Chicago!

Not that we’re over our giddiness from the World Barista Championship (WBC) in Melbourne, which concluded Sunday with the United States sweeping the World Brewers Cup (Erin McCarthy) and the WBC (Pete Licata), but we’re […]