
What does coffee signify?

I read a fascinating article in the New Yorker on the way to the Big Central barista competitions recently. It was in the Oct. 14, 2013 issue (aka the Money Issue), and it was about […]

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Coffee Goes There and Other News

A fairly new website was launched recently and got some pub from the San Francisco Chronicle here. The site is called, and has a different take on supplying coffee to the masses. Well, actually, […]

The MIX-2010 drink mixer by ARTEMIS is displayed in a variety of different colors: black, red, green, gray, white, dark red, and blue.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Test Drive: ARTEMIS Drink Mixers: Part Two

We continue our evaluation of the ARTEMIS A-2001 and MIX-2010 Drink Mixers by experimenting with alternative milk and culinary applications. BY VASILEIA FANARIOTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos by Vasileia Fanarioti Yesterday, in part one of this […]

A market stall sells bright pink dragon fruit.
Food and Drink

Know Your Ingredients: Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is finding a place in specialty-coffee shops around the world. Today, we trace the ingredient’s roots in Latin America and Southeast Asia. BY EMILY JOY MENESESONLINE EDITOR Featured photo by Annie Spratt One […]