10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Dr. Sarada Krishnan

Today, we’re learning more about newly appointed IWCA Executive Director Dr. Sarada Krishnan and her journey through the coffee world. BY EMILY JOY MENESESSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE On May 27, the International Women’s Coffee […]

A product shot of white airscape cannisters. A handful of beans sits at the front.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Reducing Single-Use Waste with Coffee Storage

Planetary Design partners with coffee roasters to promote reusable whole bean containers. BY EMILY JOY MENESESSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Planetary Design In an industry riddled with single-use products, it can be […]

A colorful mug full of light brown chai sits inside. The front of the mug has blue flowers and it sits on a wooden table with cardamom seeds and a cinnamon stick.
Food and Drink

Know Your Ingredients: Chai

With ancient Vedic origins and a rich array of spices, chai is more than a drink—to the people of India, it’s a way of life. BY EMILY MENESESSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Cover photo courtesy […]

A closeup of taro plants. They are brown, rigid, and thick.
Food and Drink

Know Your Ingredients: Taro

These days, you can find taro gracing the menus of restaurants, boba shops, and coffeehouses alike—but the sweet root has a legacy that can be traced back as far as 2,500 years. BY EMILY JOY […]

A producer in Timor Leste picks coffee cherries from the plant.

Coffee from Timor-Leste

Here’s what you need to know about this Southeast Asian nation and its coffee-growing history. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos provided by Sucafina Specialty Amongst the Southeast Asian countries that grow coffee, Indonesia, Vietnam, […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With BK Kim: Part Two

We wrap up our interview with Fritz Coffee Company’s BK Kim. BY SUNGHEE TARKSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos provided by Fritz Coffee Company unless otherwise noted Editor’s note: Yesterday, we began our interview with […]