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NBC - Sweden 2007

Crazy Latte Art Competition!

Perhaps inspired by WBC champ James Hoffmann’s call for absurd latte art on his website (, Nordic Barista Cup teams participated in a race to create latte art in cupping trays. Keep in mind, too, […]

The MIX-2010 drink mixer by ARTEMIS is displayed in a variety of different colors: black, red, green, gray, white, dark red, and blue.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Test Drive: ARTEMIS Drink Mixers: Part Two

We continue our evaluation of the ARTEMIS A-2001 and MIX-2010 Drink Mixers by experimenting with alternative milk and culinary applications. BY VASILEIA FANARIOTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos by Vasileia Fanarioti Yesterday, in part one of this […]