
Austin Competitor Schedule

Here are all the competitors by performance time for the U.S. Coffee Championships Qualifier in Austin, Texas, today and tomorrow. Not in Austin, Texas, to watch the second of this year’s two U.S. Coffee Championships Qualifying […]


Knoxville Competitor Schedule

All the competitors by performance time for the U.S. Coffee Championships Qualifier in Knoxville, Tenn., today and tomorrow Not in Knoxville, Tenn., to watch the first of this year’s two U.S. Coffee Championships Qualifying Events […]

Barista Magazine About Us

About the Barista Magazine Team The Barista Magazine team is comprised of longtime specialty coffee and publishing professionals. They include: Editor-in-Chief Sarah Allen Sarah Allen, the editor-in-chief and co-founder of Barista Magazine, has been a […]

Coffee Gear and Equipment

˜Get Something Brewing’ by KitchenAid Explores American and Australian Coffee Culture and Brewing Better at Home

Australian and American coffee culture collide in the next episode of ˜Get Something Brewing’ series hosted by KitchenAid There are distinct differences between when you grab a cup of coffee in Australia versus the United […]