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Nordic Barista Cup 2010

A Dinner to Remember…

Well. Well, well, well. What can I say about the dinner we had last night? It was truly one of the most memorable dinners of my life, a true taste of Norway, some simply magnificent […]

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Nordic Roaster 2010

A Busy Afternoon!

By Sarah Allen (Before I begin this post, I’d like to add a clarification from George Howell about my write up on his lecture this morning: My point about the silver skin is that if […]

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Retailing News from SoCal

Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea opened its third Southern California store yesterday. Located in Pasadena, most famously known (to me at least) for being the home of the Rose Bowl, the shop once again shows Intelligentsia’s […]

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Coffee Playtime in Portland

Hanging around Portland, Ore., this weekend? Well, if you are, we’ve got some amazing sunshine and coffee happenings to boot in the works for you! Come on by the grand opening party for Case Study […]