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NBC - Sweden 2007

The NBC hits Nicaragua!

Sunday started off the Nordic Barista Cups’ week-long trip to Nicaragua, and except for a few pieces of lost luggage and a couple of delayed people, it was a great day all around. The winning […]

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Barista Magazine

Down time? Hardly.

We always like to think we’ll get to slow down and breathe in December, given Coffee Fest Seattle is behind us and we don’t have another coffee event to travel to until January. But for […]

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Barista Magazine

Props to Clover

I just came across this amazing article in The Economist about our pals at The Coffee Equipment Company and their baby genius, the Clover 1s. Ken and I have been pals with the folks at […]

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The Tone & Sonja Show

Our friends Tone Liavaag (Solberg & Hansen in Norway) and Sonja Grant (Kaffitar in Iceland) couldn’t make it to the States for Ken’s and my wedding. Bummer! But they did the very next best thing: […]

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Barista Magazine

Home Sweet Home

Ken and I made it safely back to Portland yesterday (Monday). He spent most of the day catching up on his Washington Huskies football games, while I played with the dog at the park and […]

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NBC - Sweden 2007

Our Friends: The Volunteers

You know the saying, “without (blank), none of this would have been possible”? Well, in the case of the Nordic Barista Cup volunteers, it’s really true. It’s unbelievable how hard they have been working, the […]