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Nordic Barista Cup 2010

Day #2 of the NBC Begins!

This amazing weather is holding, somehow, and we’re loving it ”at least when we get out of the big lecture room, where we have been, for the second day in a row, enjoying a variety […]

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Nordic Barista Cup 2010

A Dinner to Remember…

Well. Well, well, well. What can I say about the dinner we had last night? It was truly one of the most memorable dinners of my life, a true taste of Norway, some simply magnificent […]

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Nordic Barista Cup 2010

Learning as fast as we can!

(Just so you know… I’m posting tons more photos over at Barista Magazine’s Facebook page… check ’em out!) So it has been a busy day of education over here in Oslo! After some heady lectures […]

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Nordic Barista Cup 2010

NBC Welcome Party!

After a long, wonderful and super educational day at the Nordic Roaster, the event wrapped simultaneously with the beginning of the Nordic Barista Cup, in a fun party with beer, hotdogs and spectacular views of […]

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Nordic Roaster 2010

A Busy Afternoon!

By Sarah Allen (Before I begin this post, I’d like to add a clarification from George Howell about my write up on his lecture this morning: My point about the silver skin is that if […]

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Next Up ¡Finals!

Twenty-six competitors have competed over the last two days here in Mexico City for the Ninth Annual Mexican Barista Championship. And as with any competition, there have been amazing performances, heartbreaking mistakes and a  reaffirming […]

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Amsterdam Stumptown Is Way Awesome!

After a crazy time in London for the amazing World Barista Championship, I headed to Amsterdam with my good friend, Bjørg ”the organizer of the Nordic Barista Cup event ”to see the Stumptown Coffee pop-up […]

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WBC London 2010

More from WBC Day One

The internet has been a bit spotty at the Olympia convention center here in London, so please excuse the tardiness of this post. Here are lots more images from day one, June 23, of the […]

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Iced Coffee Month in New York? Coffee Art in Oslo?

In today’s coffee news…. Jeremy from New York City’s Birch Coffee writes to tell us that, even though there are such decalred national commemorations as Turkey Lover’s Month, Soul Food Month, and even National Catfish […]