Brewing News
Two news stories out today caught our attention, and while they came from opposite sides of the country, they both feature the growing pour-over and manual-brewing movement in cafés. The first is from the Washington […]
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Two news stories out today caught our attention, and while they came from opposite sides of the country, they both feature the growing pour-over and manual-brewing movement in cafés. The first is from the Washington […]
Lots going on lately around the coffee industry — but when is that ever not the case? We are Barista Magazine are busily ”and happily ” putting together our sixth anniversary issue, which we’ll be […]
Coffee Fest Chicago was awesome ”a super busy trade show floor, amazing latte art competition, stellar North Central Regional Barista Competition, and killer North Central Brewers Cup contest. Man, it was busy!! Here are some […]
The big news from this past awesome weekend in Tacoma, Wash., is that two amazing baristas from the itty-bitty boutique roaster, Coava ”based in Portland, Ore. ”took top honors in both the Northwest Regional Barista […]
Well, yeah, technically I am in the Northwest already. But today I’m leaving Portland, Ore., and heading up to Tacoma, Wash., to attend the Northwest Regional Barista Competition! The Northwest Regional, which is being super […]
What a week I had last week in the San Francisco Bay Area! I flew from Portland, Ore., to Berkeley, Calif., on Sunday, Jan. 16, to get a lot of work done ”Fancy Food, meetings […]
The gentlemen of Sprudge.com have just announced the winners of the 2010 Sprudgie Awards, and for the second year in a row, Barista Mag nabbed the prize for Best Magazine. We’re pretty darn honored. We […]
“White Material,” a film that was lauded at the Venice Film Festival, the Toronto Film Festival and other fests, has just landed in Portland, so I’m excited. Though the trailer shows that it’s not going […]
Seems the Coava Kone is on a lot of peoples’ minds these days… especially those of our far-flung friends ”that is to say, folks outside of the tiny land of Portland, where the Coava Kone […]
This is the first year of the new awards program, the Good Food Awards. There’s not really a prize to be won, just bragging rights. In the category of coffee, this is what the judges […]
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