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Did Nick Cho Write This?

Just skimming through our local alt. weekly here in Portland, and I saw this “I, Anonymous,” which for some reason (Ok, not just any reason, but the well publicized long back-and-forth from this summer between […]

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Sweden & El Salvador

Two of our favorite countries have been the focus of the last week and also this week: Five wonderful friends from Sweden came to Portland to spend three days exploring the coffee culture of our […]

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Last Official Day of LTC

Today is the last day of the Let’s Talk Coffee event in Colombia — it’s been a heck of a time. Tomorrow ”Monday ”Chris Baca and I will go visit a farm called La Rochella […]

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Barista Magazine

Parents of Champion/Cover Boy

I absolutely love it when parents of our writers and subjects contact me for a copy of the issue of Barista Magazine that their kid was in — it happens a LOT, and usually those […]

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Barista Magazine

On My Way to Mexico

I was so happy and honored to be invited to the Mexican Barista Championship in Mexico City! Today I’m packing my bags and getting geared up for the trip. I leave early tomorrow morning and […]

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Wish You Were Here…

Slow Food Nation kicked off today in San Francisco! But actually, I’m not “here” to wish you were here. I’m mellowing back in Portland and excitedly receiving photos from my friends who are there. To […]

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Meeting Producers

Last night’s Meet the Producers event at Stumptown was far and away the largest gathering of it’s kind I’d ever been to. It was awesome! Tons of coffee folks mingled with curious coffee enthusiasts, and […]

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Friends from Panama visit the Northwest

Ken and I are excited to go to Stumptown’s Meet the Producers event tonight where we’ll hear from esteemed coffee producers Ricardo Koyner of Duncan Estate, Rachel and Daniel Peterson of Hacienda La Esmeralda, and […]