As the snow swirls outside our office window today, I wanted to send a message to our awesome Barista Magazine subscribers and everyone who has ordered copies of our latest issue, February + March 2014.
Some of you have already received your copies, but many more of you are still waiting (like we are) for yours arrive. To that we can only say Old Man Winter takes the blame! Our office shipment of the new issue is stuck somewhere in the middle of Illinois, and UPS hasn’t been able to say when it will ever make its way out to us in Oregon, and until it does, we can’t fulfill our mailing to new subscribers, renewals and single issue orders that we’ve received since our subscriber list went to the printer’s in mid-January.
Regular subscribers who did have their info submitted at that time still may not have received their copies as mail delivery has been drastically hampered by continuing extreme weather across large swathes of the US. And for our international subscribers the problem is compounded since your issues not only have travel by truck to various shipping points across the country (depending on where your issue is going) but then to the air courier’s and then to the airport (and of course airports are have a very tough time now too.)
So the bottom line is that we ask your patience is dealing with this. Rest assured your copies are moving toward you, however slowly, and we’ll get them to you all eventually. Everyone who has submitted an order on our website since late-January, we will send your copies as soon as we get them in here at the office, but when that is unfortunately we still don’t know.
We thank you for your support and hope if you are dealing with this wicked weather yourselves, you at least have some great coffee to keep you warm!
Kenneth R. Olson
Barista Magazine