
Hey there, out there in the internets. I feel like a loser because I haven’t posted since Monday. When Ken and I started this blog, we vowed to post all the time, and seriously, we do a lot. But we’ve been preoccupied with something besides coffee and Barista Magazine lately: our wedding. And we didn’t really think many of you out there would care to hear about another damn wedding.


ALAS, that is all there really is for me to talk about right now. I got my hair dyed even darker today. My friend Clara is trying to plan my bachelorette party and I am being difficult about it. Our friends from all over the world as well as all over the U.S. are flying in next week and well, we’re a little panicked.

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Well, OK, the groom-to-be doesn’t look panicked. More like tired of all this wedding stuff. See, everything is going FINE. We got all of our wedding chores done– flowers/photog/food/booze/hell, we even figured out some centerpieces. Ken and I are on track. We even wrote our vows and figured out what our officiant is going to say during the ceremony. What’s that? You want to know who our officiant is? Well it’s none other than Reverend Kyle David Larson, certified ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. Yep, this guy:

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Ken went to a preseason Trailblazers game last night with his pal Stan (they have season tickets. They bought their season tickets before the Blazers won the draft lottery, before the Blazers picked Greg Oden, one of the nicest Dance Dance Revolution fans you’ll ever meet, and before Oden had to have the surgery which is going to keep him on the bench for the whole season. The Blazers played the Clippers and they KILLED ’em. He said it was awesome. Soon, the 2007 Blazers will be calling this guy to mind:


I didn’t go to the game because I was having dinner with my dear friend Anastasia of Clover, who took me out as a pre-wedding treat. Sadly, she won’t be able to make it to the wedding because she’ll be at the Milan show. Boo hoo for her — as if: she’s going to the La Marzocco 80th Birthday Bash in Florence! And she’s starting the whole trip off with some holiday time in Dublin. This woman seriously deserves a vacation, so it was nice to see her revved up for it. She’s such a wonderful friend.


Tonight I’m going out to celebrate Matt Milletto’s birthday, and also — though she doesn’t know it — we’ll also celebrate Matt’s blushing new bride Kylene’s birthday. Hers was on Saturday. It should be fun!!


Meanwhile, I’m rotting my brain at a pace of approximately hundreds of cells per minute, thanks to the new series, Gossip Girl, on the CW, which I recorded when I was out with Anastasia. No surprise studio execs placed it right after America’s Next Top Model (which was, can I say, BITCHEN last night when one of the models had to get her head shaved because her poor locks were so totally damaged from over coloring and perming for years). Wednesdays are JUICY!


That’s all I got for now. Seriously, don’t worry. The wedding will be over soon and we’ll resume sanity. Promise.