What the Stars Drank at the Golden Globes

Caffe Luxxe owners Mark and Gary were particularly excited for regular customers Reese Witherspoon and Michael Keaton for the awards attention they garnered this year.

Los Angeles’ Caffe Luxxe was once again selected as the official  coffee for the 20th Century Fox Golden Globes Awards event on Sunday, January 11 ”and it’s no wonder. With loads of great coffeehouses to choose from in Southern California, stars like Michael Keaton and Reese Witherspoon call  Caffe Luxxe their fave.

Caffe Luxxe served espresso and filter coffee to guests at the 20th Century Fox Golden Globes Awards show on Sunday, January 11.
Caffe Luxxe served espresso and filter coffee to guests at the 20th Century Fox Golden Globes Awards show on Sunday, January 11.

Founded  by best friends Gary Chau and Mark Wain in 2006, Caffe Luxxe’s three locations offer not just hand-crafted coffee, but casual, comfortable settings for enjoying coffee and conversation, which is why owners Mark and Gary say their customers ”celebrities and normal humans alike ”keep coming back.

Caffe Luxxe owners Mark and Gary were particularly excited for regular customers Reese Witherspoon and Michael Keaton for the awards attention they garnered this year.
Caffe Luxxe owners Mark and Gary were particularly excited for regular customers Reese Witherspoon and Michael Keaton for the awards attention they garnered this year.

œCreating community, conversation and connectivity is an integral part of our mission, and having the opportunity to carry this forth at the Golden Globe Awards was a real honor,” Gary said of this year’s awards ceremony service.   œA highlight of the evening was celebrating Michael Keaton’s win for Best Actor in ˜Birdman’ ”he has been a daily regular customer of ours for years. 

Mark personally served the star-studded crowds shots of Testa Rossa, Caffe Luxxe's signature espresso. The company has been roasting its own coffee since 2013.           
Mark personally served the star-studded crowds shots of Testa Rossa, Caffe Luxxe’s signature espresso. The company has been roasting its own coffee since 2013.


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