The Stars Love Great Coffee

Tom Cruise insisted on quality coffee service for the cast and crew of "Mission Impossible 5" while they were shooting in Vienna. So who did he call for help? Joey Wechselberger of the Vienna School of Coffee, of course!

Our far-reaching coffee friends shared stories of treating Hollywood’s hottest stars to some great coffee recently: Caffe Luxxe ”which has three Southern California locations in Santa Monica and Brentwood ”catered coffee at  for 20th  Century Fox at the 66th Emmy Awards, held on August 25.  

In Los Angeles, Caffe Luxxe owners,  Mark Wain and Gary Chau, brought their two-group Synesso to the star-studded crowd gathered for the Emmy Awards.  Caffe Luxxe was stationed inside the main hall of the party in the dessert area which was hosted at a venue in downtown LA called The Vibiana. Sadly for us gawkers, no photos were allowed. But Gary and Mark assure us the stars were everywhere!

Caffe Luxxe was delighted to provide espresso for attendees to the recent Emmy Awards in Hollywood.
Caffe Luxxe was delighted to provide espresso for attendees to the recent Emmy Awards in Hollywood.

Caffe Luxxe is no stranger to such celebrity service: this past January they served coffee at The Golden Globe Awards because they were asked by one of their regulars who happens to be a big studio exec and who is on the œparty committee  to serve at the after party.

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.