The Big O!

Replace Tina Fey in the picture above with new USBC champion Michael Phillips and you have a pretty good idea of what’s in store for this Friday on Oprah!

Check local listings for the show and watch as the two Chicagoans enjoy some fine specialty coffee and talk about the pressing issues of the day.

About Ken 264 Articles
Kenneth R. Olson (he/him) is co-founder and publisher of Barista Magazine the worldwide trade magazine for the professional coffee community. He has written extensively about specialty coffee, traveled near and far for stories, activities, and fun, and been invited to present on topics important to coffee culture. He is also an avid fan state parks, public libraries, and physical media.


  1. who cares “how” or “who”???!!!????

    One of our own well deserved hard working Baristas is in the spotlight!! This is awesome!!!

  2. Sources tell me that it was Oprah’s people who made it happen, which makes sense because I know a lot of coffee types that have been trying to get on her show for years with no luck.
    Amazing! I’m excited!

  3. IMHO the former does a great job advertising and promoting themselves which is a key element to anyone’s success. It would be my guess they set that up too.

    That being said most of us know it isn’t very hard to promote better than the latter of your aforementioned options does. It is the one area I think they could really look to improve on and not just barista champions but Specialty Coffee itself.

  4. That sounds like cool news. But is the Mike Phillips on Oprah appearance orchestrated by Intelligentsia or the SCAA? Methinks it was probably the former rather than the latter.

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