A big thanks to our friends at Visions Espresso for throwing some awesome Humpday swag our way. Cole McBride, a fierce latte art and barista competitor, as well as a Visions staffer, contacted me about these fly pitchers that Visions started carrying and asked if we wanted to give some away as part of our weekly contest. Would we ever!
So I saw Cole a little more than a week ago at a Thursday Night Throwdown in Olympia, Wash., and he totally hooked me up! Make that, he totally hooked you up: Cole gave me three sets of the Luxe Coat Ratteware Latte Art Pitchers in black, white, and fire-engine red, for us to put up as prizes for Humpday Giveaway! And it all starts tomorrow!
Since these pitchers are so tight, and worth a pretty penny ”$32 for the 12-ounce pitcher, and $36 for the 20-ouncer ”we’re going to spread the love out and offer one set tomorrow, and the other two sets on two future Humpdays.

I asked Cole to tell me a little about why he totally loves these pitchers, and why he thinks you will, too: “They are heavy because of the powder coating that has been added. Many customers have found that this helps them steady their hand when pouring latte art,” he says. “I’m not a big fan of plain pitchers because they don’t look nice. These pitchers are beautiful. I’m also a fan of the added weight as it helps me pour better latte art.”

Thanks, Cole ”and thanks to everyone at Visions for this great gift for tomorrow’s Humpday Giveaway! Someone’s going to win a set ”that is, a 12-ounce and a 20-ounce Luxe Rattleware Latte Art Pitcher ”by the end of this! So be sure to come back tomorrow, Wednesday, to play Barista Magazine’s Humpday GIveaway!