Time to Play Humpday Giveaway!

Three cheers for Gimme! Coffee, who has donated the prize for this week's Humpday Giveaway!
Three cheers for Gimme! Coffee, who has donated the prize for this week’s Humpday Giveaway!

Happy Humpday everyone! It’s that time again ”time for Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway Contest! We introduced it a few weeks back, and we’re going strong! The concept: every Wednesday, we ask you a question, the answer to which can be found in the current issue of Barista Magazine (and if you don’t have a copy handy, no problem! You can read the whole magazine for free online just by clicking the cover image at baristamagazine.com!). Then we enter everyone who got the answer correct into a drawing. And 24 hours later, we announce the winning name!

We have all sorts of cool companies providing us with prizes to give away to you, readers! Espresso Parts, Prima, Baratza, Toddy, Gimme!, and others are throwing amazing prizes into the mix. All you have to do to win them is answer the question right and be the lucky name drawn! So keep on playin!

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This week’s prize is totally killer: Gimme! Coffee will send the winner a Gimme! diner mug, plus a bag of this amazing Linda Vista coffee from Honduras. Thank you, Gimme!

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OK, now here’s the question…


Write your answers in the comments here on the blog, or post them to our Facebook or Twitter accounts. At 10 a.m. (PST) on Thursday, we will announce the winner of this awesome prize from Gimme! Coffee! Thanks for playing!


About baristamagazine 2271 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. The New Zeland Barisata Guild was formed in the year 2011, Now, Gimmie coffee!

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