Video from Brazil Trip with Cafe Imports

I wasn’t the only “media” along for the ride on the amazing Cafe Imports trip to Brazil earlier this month. Jake Szymanski also joined us, to shoot footage of the trip for a series of videos to appear on Cafe Imports’ website. And the first of those videos is now up and available for you to view!

Videographer Jake, far left, shot awesome videos of our trip in Brazil. Jake is a staffer at the legendary Funny Or Die website, and is also the brother of Noah, from Cafe Imports! Jake was an awesome, hilarious addition to our group of 13 people on this unforgettable Cafe Imports trip.


Here is the first of Jake’s videos for you to check out. If for some reason the embedded video doesn’t work, just go to

Tim and Noah from Cafe Imports take the winning barista champs to origin in Brasil. This is from the first part of the trip in Bahia Brasil.

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