After months and months of planning, Italian Barista Champion Francesco Sanapo’s project ”the Barista & Farmer Coffee Reality Show ”is happening! The 15 Italian barista participants are on the ground at Puerto Rican coffee producer Rebecca Atienza’s gorgeous farm, Hacienda San Pedro.

(For all the details about this amazing event, go HERE.)
The unprecedented project finds a group of 15 Italian baristas in Puerto Rico for 10 days, each of which they will work the farms from 5 a.m. to noon, and then spend the afternoon with agronomists and other farm experts learning how the coffee production works from seed to cup.

But the baristas are also competing with each other! And you at home, anywhere in the world, can help decide the winner! Just go to the project’s Facebook page (and LIKE it, of course!) and check out the videos of each of the competitors. Then on that Facebook page, “Like” the competitor video you enjoy the most. The video that collects the most “Likes” will have an advantage in the final challenge!

You can also access all the videos directly on YouTube HERE. But please be aware that Likes on the Facebook page or on the YouTube page are the only places where your votes count! If you see the video linked anywhere else, a “Like” won’t count.
What’s that? You’re not sure you want to do it because you won’t be able to understand the Italian-speaking baristas? Never fear! Francesco has made it possible for everyone to enjoy and understand the videos by adding English subtitles!

Barista Mag publisher Ken Olson will be flying to Puerto Rico in just a few days to join the group for the second half of this wild and completely original adventure, and will write about it for the December+January issue.
Stay tuned here and on the Barista & Farmer Coffee Reality Show Facebook page for more details as they unfold online day by day. It’s an awesome adventure for ALL baristas to learn from!