Barista Mag: Please tell us about yourself.
Mariarosa: Before I became a barista, I studied education in chemistry at the University of Puerto Rico, in order to be a teacher and this knowledge helped me a lot. Currently besides being a barista, I own my coffee shop, and because I have studied to become a pastry chef, I have been able to integrate the two disciplines. this was my first year competing. It was a huge surprise and a great achievement to win and have the opportunity to represent my country in this global competition. I hope to take this experience and turn it into one of growth and learning.
(Please note: we are publishing as much or as little information as was submitted by the baristas. Hopefully we’ll get a chance to talk more with Mariarosa in Melbourne, so we can tell you all about her!)
Orgullosa de que una joven nos represente. Mariarosa apenas con 23 años ya tenÃa, junto a su hermano, Josemiguel, su propia tienda: Ristreto Caffe. Madre de 2 niños, estudiante, esposa, apasionada del café. Mariarosa se destaca por su compromiso, respeto al trabajo, calidad de lo que hace y vende y pasión por la vida y su tierra. Aún viniendo de una isla pequeña y con una condición polÃtica de dependencia, sentir que sale una barista a representarnos dignamente nos confirma la patria. ¡Cómo se siente su abuelo quien cultivaba café para consumo propio; cómo nos sentimos sus padras cuando vemos que los jóvenes toman el paÃs en sus manos y desarrollan su independencia económica; cómo se sienten los puertorriqueños cuando alguien dignamente los representa.