WBC Day Two

As suspected, as the day has progressed, the stands have started to fill up, and the atmosphere is becoming more charged. Luis Fernando Velez, the godfather of the barista movement here in Colombia, actually just confessed to me that he’s a little worried for tomorrow and Sunday because local media coverage of the event has been pretty intense, and he’s worried there’s nowhere near enough seating. And remember this is the biggest stage/seating arrangement ever.

Now on to some second day photos. (by the way I apologize for some of the photos lack of proper orientation. I’m using a new blogging app which has been mostly terrific and fast, but it doesn’t allow for any photo manipulation. I hope the photos still give you a good feel for the event.)




One thing that’s new about this year’s event is that photographer Amanda Wilson is taking portraits of all the competitors in her impromptu studio backstage.

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The Norwegian competitor has distributed t-shirts inspired by some video called The Craft (You should watch it if you haven’t already.)






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