WBC Semifinalist #7: Fabrizio Sención Ramírez, Mexico

Fabrizio is a force to be reckoned with ”he made the semifinal round in 2010 at the WBC in London, and he’s back and better than ever. Fabrizio owns a small cafe in Guadalajara, and he’s a dedicated student of coffee, always on the cutting edge of trends and experimental processes.

He described his cappuccinos as having a punch of pumpkin pie.

He’s absolutely charming on stage, with his bow tie and moustache. But the focus was on the coffee, a maragogype from Chiapas. This is a large bean coffee, and can be difficult to work with, which was part of why Fabrizio was drawn to it. This man likes a challenge.

Fabrizio introducing the elements of his signature drink

He was serving espresso 10 days off the roast, which in his cappuccinos he said would lend a “punch of pumpkin pie,” as well as a marzipan apple taste.

Steeping, the coffee tree leaves bloomed in bright green.

For his signature drink, he combined elements of the marogagype coffee tree: the leaves, which he picked and hand rolled himself, and the chaff from the pulped natural Chiapas. With water at 90 degrees, he steeped the leaves and the chaff, and incorporated them with espresso for his signature drink.

Time: 14.59

About Sarah 939 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.