Welcome to the April + May 2019 14th Anniversary Issue of Barista Magazine!

The April + May 2019 14th Anniversary Issue of Barista Magazine is here, featuring articles on Mayra Hernandez and Jesse Iñiguez of Chicago’s Back of the Yards, a special section on building community, the science of taste, flash brew, the true cost of dairy, Cashbox, Master Q&A with the La Palma y El Tucan duo, and much more!


It’s the April + May 2019 14th Anniversary Issue!

This month marks the start of another six-issue volume over the next year for Barista Magazine. In fact, this month in particular marks the start of our 15th year of Barista Magazine, and we celebrate as we always do with the release of our anniversary issue.

You can order a hard copy through our online store here. (Better yet, start a subscription and never miss an issue!) Or you can read it for free online on our website or take it with you with our free app.

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In the April + May 2019 Issue of Barista Magazine, you’ll find stories about coffee communities from all around the globe, and tips on how to grow one in your own neck of the woods. We have a special section on Cultivating Community, featuring stories on how to host a throwdown and starting new groups from grassroots up.

On the cover it’s Mayra Hernandez and Jesse Iñiguez, who’ve opened their coffee shop, Back of the Yards Coffee Co., in one of Chicago’s underserved neighborhoods.

Ana Mallozzi takes on the flavor wheel, taste buds, and more in her article “The Science of How We Taste.”

Our popular series “New Adventures in Cold Brew” returns with a story on flash brew.

Our Master Q&A this issue features an interview with Felipe Sardi and Sebastián Villamizar of Colombia’s La Palma y La Tucan.

All of this and much more are in the April + May 2019 issue. We are so grateful and thankful to our community that has supported Barista Magazine year after year. Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoy another anniversary issue!

About Ken 264 Articles
Kenneth R. Olson (he/him) is co-founder and publisher of Barista Magazine the worldwide trade magazine for the professional coffee community. He has written extensively about specialty coffee, traveled near and far for stories, activities, and fun, and been invited to present on topics important to coffee culture. He is also an avid fan state parks, public libraries, and physical media.