Welcome to the December 2019 + January 2020 Issue of Barista Magazine!

The December 2019 + January 2020 issue of Barista Magazine is here, featuring Hong Kong’s Kapo Chiu. Also included: ‘Best Bar Tools 2019,’ how to sustain a career in coffee, the hidden costs of coffee part 2 of 4, a ‘Master Q+A’ with Heather Perry, and much more!


We’re closing in on the end of 2019, but we can’t leave it behind without first releasing the latest issue of Barista Magazine. We are beyond grateful and extremely lucky to have an amazing and talented team of writers, editors, photographers, artists, and designers who contributed to this issue. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we’ve enjoyed working on it. So without any further ado, let’s take a look at what’s in the December 2019 + January 2020 issue of Barista Magazine.

Cover Feature: Kapo Chiu

December 2019 + January 2020 issue of Barista Magazine Cover Feature Kapo Chiu
Kapo Chiu made a name for himself as the founder of The Cupping Room and as the multi-time barista champion of Hong Kong. Now he’s setting off on a new adventure.

Kapo Chiu is a familiar face to anyone who has followed the World Barista Championship over the last decade. Consistently landing in the finals of the WBC (and placing as high as second in the championship), Kapo’s friendly manner, exceptional skill, and talent as a barista have been on display again and again. As the cofounder, with his wife Kieve, of The Cupping Room in Hong Kong, he has worked with some of the best roasters in the world to develop an unrivaled coffee experience in the café. After starting a roasting program of their own at The Cupping Room and expanding to multiple locations, Kapo and Kieve are now searching for their next adventure. Find out where they’re headed and why in the December 2019 + January 2020 issue of Barista Magazine.

‘Best Bar Tools 2019’

December + January 2020 issue Best Bar Tools 2019
Every year we ask working baristas to recommend their favorite tools for making their jobs easier and more efficient. The result is ‘Best Bar Tools 2019,’ and the latest edition is in the December 2019 + January 2020 issue of Barista Magazine.

Every year for this issue we assemble “Best Bar Tools,” where working baristas from around the world talk about what tools they use on a regular basis that help make their jobs, cafés, and workflows better and more efficient. We’re grateful for so many thoughtful suggestions, submissions, and terrific photos from our contributing baristas that always make this one of the most popular features of the year.

Special Section: Coffee As A Career

December + January 2020 issue Coffee Careers Barista Forever
What does it take to make a meaningful career out of being a barista? Find one take on this subject in Josh Rank’s article “Barista Forever” in the December 2019 + January 2020 issue of Barista Magazine.

In a special two-part section in the December 2019 + January 2020 issue of Barista Magazine, we take a look at working in coffee as a long-term career. First, writer Josh Rank tackles the challenge of turning a barista position into a long-lasting and satisfying job in “Barista Forever.”

December + January 2020 issue Coffee Careers: Beyond a Barista
In “Beyond a Barista,” Josh Taves writes about possible career paths that can grow out of a position behind the bar.

In “Beyond a Barista,” the second part of the special section, Josh Taves explores what options are available to build a career in coffee outside of working behind the counter. He shares his experience and talks with a number of other coffee pros on how they got their positions and what kind of skills and knowledge they needed to move into their different jobs.

“The Hidden Costs of Coffee: Part 2”

December + January 2020 issue Hidden Cost of Coffee Part 2 of 4
In the second part of a four-part series titled “The Hidden Costs of Coffee,” writer Sierra Burgess-Yeo returns to the pages of Barista Magazine with a look at costs incurred by producers to get their coffee to market.

In part two of our four-part series “The Hidden Costs of Coffee,” Sierra Burgess-Yeo writes about the many costs and considerations coffee producers have to deal with in bringing their harvest to market, covering their operating expenses, and most importantly making sure they get paid. Part one of the series appeared in our October + November 2019 issue, and you can read part two in the new issue!

‘Master Q&A’: Heather Perry

December + January 2020 Master Q&A with Heather Perry
From part-time help in her parents’ coffee shop as a child to president of the Specialty Coffee Association today, Heather Perry’s unique experience has made her a role model for professional baristas around the world.

Heather Perry began working in specialty coffee as a kid helping out in her parents’ shop. She became internationally recognized through earning multiple U.S. Barista Championships. (She has even been featured on the cover of Barista Magazine previously because of her work.) And she has turned decades worth of experience as a barista into a an impressive resume to which she can now add president of the Specialty Coffee Association. Heather is a true trail blazer, and in this issue’s “Master Q&A,” she talks about how she ended up where she did and where she plans to go next.

These are just some of the stories and articles you’ll find in the December 2019 + January 2020 issue of Barista Magazine. We hope you enjoy reading the issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

Remember, you have multiple ways to read it. You can order a hard copy through our online store here or start a subscription. Of course you can also read it for free online on our website or take it with you with our free app.

About Ken 264 Articles
Kenneth R. Olson (he/him) is co-founder and publisher of Barista Magazine the worldwide trade magazine for the professional coffee community. He has written extensively about specialty coffee, traveled near and far for stories, activities, and fun, and been invited to present on topics important to coffee culture. He is also an avid fan state parks, public libraries, and physical media.