Which Match Made in Heaven Will Win $1,000?

1883 Cappuccine Match Made In Heaven Drink Design Challenge Featured Image

Baristas from around the country used 1883 Syrups and Cappuccine Neutral Base Frappé Mix to speak the love language of Valentine’s-inspired beverages for the Match Made in Heaven Drink Design Challenge, launching today.


Cupid, take aim! Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with an inspired, beautiful beverage made from the heart with some of the best ingredients in the world?

Bottles of 1883 Syrups used in the Match Made In Heaven Drink Design Challenge against a background of hearts.
The five coffee professionals chosen to participate in the Match Made in Heaven Drink Design Challenge were asked to review 1883’s product line and choose up to six 1883 syrups or other offerings to experiment with as they built one of the two drinks they would present in the challenge. These are a few of the selections they chose! Photo courtesy of 1883 Syrups.

The Competitors

We tasked five coffee professionals from around the United States with creating two Valentine’s Day-themed drinks using selections from the sophisticated, elegant 1883 Syrups line as well as Cappuccine’s Neutral Base Frappé Mix.

Competitor #1: Seidy Selivanow, Co-owner, Kafiex Roasters, Vancouver, Washington
Competitor #2: Miranda Haney, Owner, Barista Friend, Austin, Texas
Competitor #3: John Dixon, Owner, Mad Black Coffee, LLC, Raleigh, North Carolina
Competitor #4: Liz Kuntz, Barista, Purebred Coffee, Troy, Ohio
Competitor #5: Sirada “Peace Sakulclanuwat, Educator, Coffee Project NY, New York, N.Y.

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The Rules

The rules were simple: Drinks could be hot or cold; at least one would include coffee or espresso; and alcohol was not allowed. Other than that, these coffee pros were set free on the wings of a Valentine’s-inspired dove to interpret love, passion, tenderness, and devotion to the ends of their imaginations.

a bag of Cappuccine Frappe Mix Neutral Base against a background of hearts from the Match Made in Heaven Drink Design Challenge.
For their second drink, the participants built drinks using Cappuccine’s Neutral Base Frappé Mix, designed to set the stage for custom frappés with the creamy and smooth texture it mixes into. Photo courtesy of Cappuccine.

And did they ever deliver! Check out the five participants’ drinks on Instagram today @baristamagazine + @drinkcappuccine and prepare to be dazzled. Also, prepare to vote for your favorite, because this isn’t just a celebration of all things Valentine’s. It’s a contest, and there’s a whole lot of cash on the line.

The Judges

You, dear readers, are the judges in the Match Made in Heaven Drink Design Challenge, which launches today and runs until 5 p.m. PST Friday, February 14. Cast your vote for the participant who created your favorite pair of drinks by “liking” their set of slides. By the end of the week, the one with the most likes will wear the Valentine’s Day crown. 

The Prizes

They’ll all be winners, as each will receive cash prizes for their creative efforts, but first and second place get something extra. Here are the prizes:

First place: $1,000 and a full-page feature in Barista Magazine

Second-place: $500

Third, fourth, and fifth place: $250 each

So go check out those drinks and cast your vote/like! Just be sure to do it on one of the sanctioned platforms: @baristamagazine +  @drinkcappuccine, as well as those of the participants, should they choose to be collaborators. While anyone may repost the drinks, votes/likes on any other accounts will not count.

The Match Made in Heaven Drink Design Challenge ends at 5 p.m. PST on Friday, February 14, 2025. Email editor@baristamagazine.com with any questions.

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About Sarah 941 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.