White Party Insanity

What can we tell you about the White Party? It was NUTS. We arrived at 7:30, dressed in white. Actually, I was wearing all white; Ken just had a white shirt, white hat and blue jeans. So upon entering, Ken — along with anyone else who wasn’t wearing a completely white outfit — was instructed to put on a white haz-mat suit. I kid you not.


We were kept in the da Matteo courtyard for a bit, and were served White Russians. You get the idea… and slowly, so did we. It was to be a white night from start to finish. The idea tied into the over-riding NBC concept of the Future Coffee Shop; no doubt about it, everything appeared very futuristic.


Finally, it was time for us to go into the tent, and WOW. Intense. Fog machines rendered the room outer space, and ambient music pumped from the speakers. We were asked to take seats a long white tables, and we explored the treats in front of us: white wine, beer, popcorn, and white boxes filled with vacuum packed food. Yep, that’s right. Vacuum packed food. After a marvelous concert by the Swedish band the White Ladies, our amazing volunteers (they have worked SO hard) took our pouches of food off to be boiled. They were returned to us warm, and we cut them open and squeezed them out onto the plates. And we ate. It was totally bizarre, and awesome.

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