One of the best resources that exists for coffee professionals is the Colombian Coffee Hub (CCH), which has been up and running for more than 2-and-a-half years ”surely you guys know about it. But in case you need a refresher: The CCH is like Facebook for coffee, only better: its thousands of users spend time on the CCH to meet like-minded coffee professionals, engage in exclusive video lectures from some of the top coffee scientists and professionals in the world; learn about new trends in everything from farming to cafe brew methods, and much, much more.

With so many exciting programs and activities, the CCH wants to get as many people from the coffee community around the world involved as possible ”after all, the site is completely free to use and exists only to educate. In order to attract a whole new audience (and reward the existing users), the CCH is launching a contest! This will be an “activity where people can engage with the Hub and learn about coffee through all of the knowledge and content that Café de Colombia has and has developed in the Hub, while growing our community to encourage coffee discussions and knowledge exchange,” says our friend, Michael Losada, of Café de Colombia.
It’s called Coffee Match to Origin, and here’s how it works: from April 7 to June 31, coffee lovers from around the world will have the opportunity participate to be one of the two Hubbers to win a trip to Colombia to assist to the Barista Open Camp with Fritz Storm and Kentaro Maruyama in Venecia from September 30 to October 2 (Antioquia, Colombia), and also to visit Expoespeciales 2014 in MedellÃn from October 2 to 5.

All you have to do to be eligible to win the trip is become a member of the CCH and update your personal details. Just download the APP and check in at the Coffee Match to Origin event; participate in the weekly discussions and answer the weekly trivias that will be posted at the Hub.
Barista Magazine is so excited about this contest ”it’s just an amazing opportunity for two enthusiastic coffee people to win an incredible trip to Colombia to be a guest of Café de Colombia for two spectacular coffee events. So GO HERE NOW and register, if you haven’t already! We’ll be posting reminders about this contest throughout the next three months. Get signed up!