Win stuff

Do you remember when we had a feature in Barista Magazine called “So…”? We would ask questions of people at trade shows and barista competitions, take their photos and print the whole thing in the magazine. But we thought it got kind of boring so we stopped doing it.

Now we’re bringing back the question part with a twist: It’s called Reply All, and here’s how it works: we ask a question in every issue of Barista Magazine — the question in the August/September issue, for example, is what’s the coolest coffee city and why? You go to, select “Reply All” from the left-side menu, fill in the info and your answer, and submit. NOTE: WE ARE ONLY ASKING FOR YOUR CONTACT INFO SO WE CAN GET HOLD OF YOU IF YOU WIN. WE WILL KEEP IT COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL.

We will review all the answers submitted, and the most creative, most interesting, funniest, snarkiest, basically most readable answer will be the winner! He or she will not only be featured in the next issue of Barista Magazine with their answer and photo, but will receive an awesome prize: Beyond the Bean’s Barista Tool Kit, which comes in a snazzy carrying case and is filled with tons of goodies.

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Barista Magazine Subscribe Leaderboard banner ad

We’ll print the top five answers in the magazine, but only one gets the prize… Post here if you have any questions, or email me directly at Deadline for submissions is September 10, 2007.

This is the ad we’re running about it in the August/September issue:

reply all