The World Aeropress Championships will release a book, The Annual, commemorating the recipes, competitors, and awesome parties hosted by the WAC.
In the midst of the high-stakes, and high-nerves, showcase of coffee knowledge and barista skills that are the series of coffee competitions hosted by World Coffee Events, there’s the World Aeropress Championships. The WAC has always been like the dive bar to the WBC‘s polished cocktail bar. The rules are minimal, you don’t need a lot of money to enter, and you’re guaranteed to have a raucous time.
This year’s competition in Dublin marked the ninth year of the competition, and to celebrate, the WAC committee will be releasing a book, The Annual, commemorating the recipes, competitors, and parties that have made the Aeropress competition what it’s become. œThe Annual is an almanac or sorts ”at one point we almost called the book, The Wacmanac, shares Tim Varney, creative director for the WAC. œIt contains all the winning recipes from the 50+ national championships, a list of every competitor, the national events hosts and sponsors and plenty of pictures from the parties around the world.
Along with commemorating the national and world champions of Aeropress brewing, the book is also meant to capture the spirit of the competition. œOne of the most important messages we hope to convey with the book is that the WAC exists to inject fun and light hearted energy into the coffee community, says Tim. If you’ve always wanted to know how many beers were drank at this year’s WAC in Dublin, for example, this book will answer all your questions.
The book also represents a stylistic shift for Tim and his WAC co-founder and partner, Tim Williams. œHalfway through putting the book together, Tim Williams and I had a sudden and overwhelming urge to assess the WAC branding and the message it was sending, Tim points out. The pages are bright, fun, and striking, and the book has a feel of being polished, but not too much, with cross-outs and imprecise numbers (instead of using the phrase ˜over 300 pages,’ for example, the postcard promoting the book crosses out the number ˜300′ and just says, ˜SO MANY.’). The branding shift is meant to bring the spirit of the competition to the imagery used for future events and promotional material. œWe felt it needed an update, and shift to ensure the massage of our branding was inline with our values, so the book has now been tasked to also be the vehicle for unleashing our rebrand. Back to the grassroots, fun, lively and tongue in cheek atmosphere that is so important to the WAC ethos.
The book is beautifully laid out, and for Tim and Tim, who are the sole organizers of the competition, it’s meant to honor the variety of ways in which one can brew awesome coffee and still rock out and party hard. œIt is so important to keep the ethos and atmosphere of the competition where it should be ”fun, light hearted and community building. We love all of the different countries and host’s interpretations of the events, and we need to make sure that stay in tact. You can order you copy of The Annual here, which was made in conjunction with Standart Magazine. The Annual starts shipping November 1st.