Arnon Thitiprasert of Thailand, 2017 World Latte Art Champion. Photo by R. Jordan Sanchez.Karthikeyan Rajendram of the United Arab Emirates, 2017 World Ibrik Champion. Photo courtesy of WCE.Lok Chan of Hong Kong, 2017 World Cup Tasters Champion. Photo courtesy of WCE.Martin Hudak of Slovakia, 2017 World Coffee in Good Spirits Champion. Photo by R. Jordan Sanchez.Chad Wang of Taiwan, far right, 2017 World Brewers Cup Champion. In this photo, Chad smiles with Cristiano and Ricardo of Ally Coffee, which is bringing the World Cup Tasters and World Brewers Cup champs along on a trip to Brazil in July with the U.S. Barista, Brewers Cup, Roasters, and Cup Tasters champs, and reigning World Barista Champion, Berg Wu.
For all the details and many more photos of the World of Coffee Budapest and these five championship events, check out the August+September issue of Barista Magazine upon its release August 1!
It was a marvellous 3 day trip in beautiful Budapest. The competition level was top notch, but Arnon Thitiprasert trully deserved the championship with his amazing artistic expressions.
It was a marvellous 3 day trip in beautiful Budapest. The competition level was top notch, but Arnon Thitiprasert trully deserved the championship with his amazing artistic expressions.