Between the crisp cold air outside and the football on TV screens wherever I go, there’s no denying it is really and truly fall at this point. And that’s so exciting! Autumn is when the coffee year seems to officially begin, with barista competitions starting up in the annual journey to the WBC, coffee festivals and shows and conferences all over the world — we’re stoked!
You can count on us here at Barista Magazine to keep you up to date on all the most important news and happenings in our industry. If you missed any of our daily news articles this last week, here are some quick links to everything we wrote about on Barista Magazine’s Blog.
On Sunday of last week, our dear friend Francesco Sanapo, Barista Champion of Italy, shared with us his thoughts looking back on the WBC in Melbourne, where he placed a very respectable 6th, and his thoughts on how he’s moving forward with his coffee career.
On Monday, we introduced you to the Stumptown Gesha Road Trip box set, which is an incredibly cool special promotion our friends at Stumptown Coffee are doing right now, that showcases a supremely special set of Gesha coffees linked directly to owner Duane Sorenson.
On Tuesday, we had the pleasure of sharing with you our interview with inventor Joe Behm, who made a name for his company with the popular Behmor 1600 home roaster, and is now launching a killer brewer called the Brazen Brewer.
On Wednesday it was time for, you guessed it, Humpday Giveaway! We were so grateful to the kind folks at Behmor for giving us a brand new Brazen Brewer, valued at $199, to offer as the prize!
On Thursday, we tallied the names of all 87 of you who played Humpday Giveaway and determined a winner!
Also on Thursday, we posted about how Barista Nation L.A. registration is closing on Monday ”that’s tomorrow, folks! So register now!
Adding even more to Thursday, we wrote about the cool barista events coming up in Canada!
On Friday, I harkened back to the awesome Guatemalan coffee event that was recently offered in Portland, because New Yorkers are about to be treated to not one but two sessions of the same kind next week!
Also on Friday, we broke the exciting news that 2005 US Barista Champion Phuong Tran was putting her popular cafe Lava Java up for sale!
On Saturday, we posted about a very special cupping that took place at Stumptown Coffee’s HQ, where the amazing Geshas from the Gesha Road Trip Box Set were offered up in a super cool cupping for all the celebrity chefs who were in Portland for the FEST event!
It was a hell of a week, friends! But next week will be even more exciting, I’m sure — lots more news and events coming up, plus another Humpday Giveaway on Wednesday — we can’t wait to share it all with you!