Hello and welcome to another installment of BMag Back Atcha our weekly catch-up blog post where just in case you’ve missed anything this week, you can find links to every post we’ve published in the last seven days.
It’s a beautiful spring day here in Portland, so without further ado, let’s get going!
First up we had the results from the U.K. Barista Championship. It was another win for 2012 U.K. Champ Maxwell Colonna Dashwood, and he’ll be reaping the United Kingdom this June in Rimini, Italy at the World Barista Championship.
UK Barista Championship Results!
Then it was a wrap up of the recent Caffeine Crawl OKC (that’s Oklahoma City of course).
Oklahoma City Caffeine Crawl A Window Into the Region’s Unique Charm
Next we had a recap of Maxwell’s winning performance at the U.K. Barista Championship.
UK Barista Champ Maxwell’s Winning Performance
Following that we had a story and preview about this week’s SPLAT event in Sacramento, California. It’s a great homegrown event that really brings their coffee community together!
SPLAT Continues to Rock Sacramento’s Coffee Community ”Next Event is This Thursday!
That brought us to Wednesday and another round of our weekly trivia game for fun and prizes (this week’s from Spyhouse Coffee in Minneapolis, Minn.), and of course we followed that with the winner’s announcement.
Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #57 (April 9, 2014 Edition)
Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway Winner! #56 (April 9, 2014 Edition)
The first Southeast Regional Aeropress Competition was a huge success and is sending the winner to Seattle to compete in the national championship. Here’s our report on the competition:
Inaugural Southeast Aeropress Championship a Success!
This week we also had the launch of our app, Coffee Scout, for the Android platform. It was a long time coming, and we’re happy that we finally have it available on both Apple and Android platforms. Is you café on the map? (If not, add it here!)
Barista Magazine’s Coffee Scout is Available for Android!
Writer Nora Burkey traveled to Nicaragua and had this amazing story about what she found at one co-op, where the devastation of leaf rust was making farmers search for alternative crops to supplement their coffee production.
Looking for Kale In Nicaragua
This year’s DC Campus started this week, and Sarah had a story from Milan, Italy on the event which gathers the national champions of Latte Art and Coffee in Good Spirits for skill and community building hosted by the machine sponsor of both events, Dalla Corte.
Dalla Corte Campus Has Begun!
We love the work that they do at the Colombian Coffee Hub (CCH), and if you’re not a member yet, you should be! It’s not just that it’s free, or that it has great content, videos, lectures, and all sorts of information about coffee direct from the source, but now you can also win a free trip to Colombia to participate in Barista Camp! Seriously, if you haven’t joined, what are waiting for?
Win a Trip to Barista Camp in Colombia and More from the Hub!
Then we had news from Daylight Mind Coffee Company on the Big Island of Hawaii. And what’s that news? Well, they’re hiring! So if you want a taste of island life and a chance to live and work in the only state in America that grows coffee, you might want to check it out.
Want to Make Coffee In Hawaii?
Finally we had another post in our 10 Minutes With series. This time the featured guest was longtime Pennsylvania specialty coffee community fixture and instrumental player in the development of MANE (Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Coffee Conference) Troy Reynard.
10 Minutes With Troy Reynard
Whew! Another busy week in the books. Thanks again for stopping by and check back all this week as we have even more for you right here on the BMag blog!